Ms. Geshke's Science Hub

Where Science is Cool!

The Poetry of Science September 5, 2012

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Today, it was announced that Los Angeles will be looking for its own poet laureate for our fair city.  Click on the link to see how to get involved.  Anyone can be nominated, you can even nominate yourself so dust off those old haiku’s or give us your vote for someone who will celebrate literacy, beauty and the power of word imagery.  But SCIENCE is the poetry of reality.  There is real beauty and order in science.  To quote one great poet on the subject…..

“Science and poetry go hand in hand in this respect at least‐‐‐they transform and illuminate the common, the near at hand. They show us the divine underfoot….The poets know that beauty and mystery lurk everywhere, and they bring the fact home to our emotions, while science brings it home to our understanding.”

‐‐‐John Burroughs

I love the following clip because it is not only beautiful but it will give you a tour guide  of all the most important scientist of the past 25 years.